Department Of ENT

Dr. Nazir Ahmad Khan

Professor/ Head of the Department

Contact Department

Mission & Purpose

Hello and welcome to the Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery at the Government Medical college Baramulla. I am glad you've chosen to visit our site and hope it provides you with all of the information you are looking for. Our mission is to advance understanding of the disease processes and to improve treatment in the discipline of otorhinolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery, audiology and speech pathology. We seek to accomplish the mission in a setting that provides exceptional patient care, comprehensive training for undergraduate students , and advanced training for otorhinolaryngology residents. Our vision about the future of ENT department is as under To Start separate special Otology Clinic, Rhinology Clinic, Voice Clinic and Head and Neck Cancer Clinic for proper planning of treatment of certain special and difficult cases in respective areas. To Start Cochlear Implant Surgery programe for children having profound sensorineural hearing loss. To Develop advanced Audiolgy and Speech therapy Lab for diagnosing children with profound sensorineural hearing loss early in their life so that cochlear implant surgery is done to these patients on time and post operatively a comprehensive speech therapy is given to these patients. To start a state of the art temporal bone dissection Lab in the department for teaching purpose. To develop a dedicated center for Head and Neck Cancer. To Start Anterior and Lateral Skull Base Surgeries. To conduct advanced clinical research in the field of Ear Head & Neck Surgery and the publish the same in reputed national and international scientific journals. We are already providing all basic ENT OPD and IPD facility to the patients and are performing almost all major surgical procedures.
